Anxiety Teatment for Adults

Helping You Learn Skills to Navigate Challenging Emotions

You may have arrived here because…

• You are struggling to manage anxiety in various situations.
• Social settings provoke fear of judgment or embarrassment (Social Anxiety).
• Separation from loved ones causes significant distress, impacting daily life (Separation Anxiety).
• Persistent worries about the future-lead to overwhelming anxiety, particularly at night (Generalized Anxiety).
• Sudden, intense physical sensations trigger panic attacks or avoidance behaviors (Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia).
• Specific triggers like animals, needs, heights, etc., provoke intense fear (Specific Phobia).
• Constantly googling medical symptoms and potential medical diagnoses (Health Anxiety).

However you arrived here, I am glad you’re here. Read on to see if you think my Anxiety Treatment might be a good fit for you.

Natural Reactions to Anxiety

• Viewing situations more negatively than they are (e.g., catastrophizing).
• Avoiding situations that might cause anxiety or discomfort.

My Treatment Approach

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an evidence based treatment approach that emphasizes the reciprocal relationships between thoughts, physiological feelings, and behaviors. CBT emphasizes a collaborative relationship focused on making sustainable changes by learning tangible skills. If you are struggling to manage symptoms of anxiety and feel stuck, CBT is an excellent option for learning skills to create lasting change. CBT is time-limited, meaning once you develop the knowledge and skillset you are asked to put your skills to use with the guidance of your psychologist until you feel equipped to manage symptoms on your own.

Treatment Duration

The treatment typically spans 12-20 sessions, tailored to your needs. Success in therapy hinges on your commitment and active participation. Much of the progress occurs through practice and application of skills between sessions.